Holistic health therapies unite science and spirit and promote your body’s natural ability to heal on all levels.
I’ve enjoyed curating these resources that assisted me on my healing journey. I hope they provide you with information and inspiration for yours!
A 7-day online course of beautiful audio meditations, rituals and reflections for anyone who wants to connect to a sense of higher meaning and witness more Grace in their lives through gentle, daily practices. (Free.)
These teachings provide step-by-step resources that help you learn how to bring the practice of contemplation into your everyday life, resulting in a deep sense of spaciousness, calm and clarity. (Available as book or $45 online course.)

By holistically addressing the root causes of illness and dis-ease, the traditional medicinal use of plants can help the body return to a balanced state that promotes healing.

Used effectively the world over for centuries, biofield therapy encourages a deep sense of calm and relaxation to support health and facilitate the healing process.

Active meditation, or visualization, allows for deeper levels of healing by releasing toxic thoughts, beliefs, and patterns of behavior for more successful navigation of life’s challenges.