
About the Name Goldenrod

When I began my plant studies, I found myself drawn to those lowliest of plants in a gardener’s realm: the weeds. After years of digging out dandelions and other unwanteds, I was abashed to learn that they and many other “weeds” are nutritious and delicious as well as ubiquitous. I wanted to give a nod to a green ally that was often overlooked or even vilified. I also wanted to find a name that reflected energy medicine and wisdom traditions. While in meditation, the name Goldenrod came gently calling.

The scientific name for the goldenrod plant is Solidago, which means “to make whole.” The tall yellow spires of goldenrod – often wrongly accused of allergies caused by ragweed – abound in late summer. It is a strong plant ally for conditions including bladder infections, seasonal allergies, muscle aches, arthritis, and cold and flu care. You can also eat its flowers (wonderful in crepes) and leaves and use it as a healing tea, poultice, tincture, powder, or oil infusion. Goldenrod species grow all over the world, including native species in all 50 states in the U.S. and in Canada.

Golden rods, or pillars, are also found in ancient wisdom and healing traditions. Shamans, priests and healers created sacred healing space in part by envisioning large golden pillars surrounding their patient. Likewise, visualizing golden pillars is a technique used by modern-day energy workers when creating a safe healing environment for their clients.

Bio and Credentials

Kimberly is inspired daily by the Gene Keys, a synthesis of wisdom traditions with practical application in our busy, distracted lives. She completed the inaugural Gene Keys Guide program in spring 2021 and strives to cultivate the attributes of contemplation, inquiry, gentleness and patience on the journey toward greater self-understanding.
Kimberly has completed intensive programs in herbal medicine, ethnobotany, energy work, active meditation, and personal development. She also has degrees in psychology and public policy and spent over 20 years in public service advising executive leaders and implementing large government initiatives.